Australia is the land of parrots, home to 56 species. Parrots are members of order Psittaciformes and Australia has two familys of parrots: 42 members of the Psittacidae or true parrot family (including Rosellas and Lorikeets) and 14 members of the Cacatuidae or Cockatoo family (Cockatoos, Cockatiels, Galahs and Corellas). Parrots are large colourful birds with powerful bills for cracking seeds and nuts, they also feed on fruit, nectar and sometimes insects. Many parrots depend on hollows in mature trees to nest.
Photo: The Crimson Rosella (37 cm) has seven sub-species of varying colour ranging from bright crimson to orange and yellow. They inhabit woodlands and forests across eastern Australia. They feed on eucalypt and grass seeds as well as insects.